The issue of race is a reemerging topic that plagues are society. From people wanting a certain job position, walk in a certain neighborhood, and other achieved statuses race seemingly plays a factor. The image of blacks in America is heavily influenced by the media. In the civil rights era the media was used to show black people in a certain light that made it acceptable for brutality and injustice in mainstream America’s eyes and in the same token it was the media who sometimes shed light on the injustice. We fast forward to today and we now have the television, which I believe in some few ways has help the “image” but in more ways has caused harmed to the “image.”
Out of all the network television channels out there only three of them are black owned. Cathy Hughes’s Tvone, Oprah Winfery’s OWN, and my personal favorite Master P’s Better Black Television(BBTV) are the only three out of literally hundreds of channels. Research also indicates that reality shows are growing in popularity do to their dramatic portrayals of “real” life and “unpredictability, but when was the last time you were not embrassed when you turned on the tv
but can we really blame the "media" for how we act, i know they control alot of what is put out but now the producers of these shows are black take basketball wives it should be called ex basketball players jump offs