This is another installment of "The Art Of Story Telling With Big Rube", in this one he talk about "Hating" on other rappers. Make sure you stay tuned to ATLFAME this week, because I'm dropping a video everyday.
In order from left to right Killer Mike I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind, Witch Doctor American Witchdoctor, Goodie Mob Dirt South Classics, Cee-lo Soul Machine, Slimm Calhoun The Skinny, Backbone Concrete Law, Cool Breeze East Point Greatest Hits. Cee-lo Imperfect Perfection, Big Boi Sir Luscious Left Foot,Outkast Idlewild, Outkast Atliens, Outkast Aquemini, Outkast Stankonia, Outkast Southernplayalisticcaddillac, Killer Mike I pledge Allegiance to The Grind 3, Killer Mike Underground Atlanta, Killer Mike I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind 2, Killer Mike Live from the Crack House(Autographed) Killer Mike Monster.
Yeah I Got More Too!
I was going to go into a long drawn out spiel about this but, it's 5:43am EST and i'm going to bed or play 2k haven't made up my mind. I reached out to Big Rube(@BigRube) on twitter, and he gave me a contact. She arranged everything( Thanks again!). We were going to meet at a restaurant , it didn't happen, and he was gracious enough to let me and another ATLFAME contributor Rae(@fultoncofinest) come to his home. We sat down and he gave so many different perspectives on different topics. He talked about his new leak release "Whips & Chainz" , materialism in rap, being labeled as a "Hater", and the inception of the legendary Dungeon Family. He gave me so much knowledge that I have to spread it over 4-5 videos. I named it The Art Of Story Telling With Big Rube as I drop other parts of this series I will tell you all more about that day. Also the video for his leak release Whips and Chainz is below too.
-Oh Yeah on that day Falcons THRASHED! the Giants 34-0! #AtlBirdgang Fool! Ahhhhawwkkk