
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

@NessLee exclusive interview With WWW.ATLFAME.COM

Wasting no time in the New Year Albany born Atlanta breed rapper Ness Lee has kicked it off with a bang, releasing his new track and video entitled “Lord Knows”, the track is a rebuttal to the Loaded Lux and Murder Mook track and video “True or False”, in the video Loaded Lux and Murder Mook have pictures of southern rappers and are literary ripping them apart while yelling false. They are yelling false because in an interview awhile back Jay Electronica had an interview and ask “True or False up north cats got rich jacking our slang, True or False it’s rappers down south than will burn up north rappers alive, etc…”

The video Ness Lee(@NessLee) put out was kind of a throwback based on today’s standards of the holy rap trinity of “Bling, Bitches, and Blunts” it was Hip Hop, I mean old school break dancing, you and your crew beat boxing in the back hip hop, very creative with the deep saturation and different angles used in it. Looks like they had fun recording it, I should know because I was there.

At the conclusion of the video shoot I sat down with Ness Lee a.k.a Ham Perkins to understand his motives for the upcoming year. Below is the interview, the actual video, and of course links to his facebook and twitter pages. 2012 is going to be an interesting year.

                                                    The exclusive interview with @NessLee

The Video Lord Knows