

Ricky Calloway Art Exhibit
Staying in a small town helps you appreciate places and experiences that are unique. Downtown Fort Valley Georgia is an Art Museum, displaying the work of Fort Valley State University professor Ricky Calloway. Mr.Calloway is from Opelika, Alabama and received a degree in art for Alabama State University.

In his own words “Everyone travels different paths in life. Therefore, I must create works of art based on my journeys and experiences. Growing up in the southeastern region of America had a profound impact on mu mental capacity. During my adolescent and teen-age years, the public school system always excluded the history pertaining to Africa and its’ Diaspora, expect for minor knowledge on the history of African-Americans. …During the early stages of my life, I truly believed descendants of Africans had contributed little to the arts, inventions and the establishment of civilizations until we were forced into bondage and brought to America. …I have emerged the past with the present history by using various abstract and stimulated textures found in nature to reveal the antiquity of Africa’s ancient civilization

The sankofa was a reoccurring theme in his art. Sankofa means “to go back to take” or “It is not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten.”

I would like to thank the curator Asia La'Nea and Mr.Calloway.