
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blame it on the White Man

The #1 reason brothers have for not being successful is(drum roll please) THE WHITE MAN! In 2011, many people still blame “him” for being in the position that they are currently in. Although I agree that “he” has placed many obstacles in our paths but at this current juncture the biggest obstacles in out lives is ourselves.

We place so much value and emphasis on things that do not matter clothes, cars, exc. That we forget what we need to do and forget that we are the ones that need to pull ourselves up by the bootstrap. We are now in a position that we can own secure our finical futures but refuse to do so under the guise that there is some invisible white man that will come and lock us up for trying.

I know first hand about how race plays a factor in economics my current home base is in middle Georgia(for those who do not know Atlanta and Georgia is vastly different, once you leave out of I-285 you are in the real GA, put things in perspective for you Georgia had one of the highest turnouts of blacks to vote during the 08 elections but Obama still lost by a hefty margin here) I have been looking for a employment since fall 07 and have not found anything I even went so far as to but that I was white on my application.

We need to learn to do it on our own, do not be sacred to try something new to make money(legal) , get some hustle about yourself.

1 comment:

  1. well said! but really the only black people that are intimidated by "the white man" are the ignorant... when know your potential and you meet and surpass your own expectations then there wouldn't be excuses only improvements... then the invisible white man wouldn't be a factor... matter of fact... the only hinderer in our black communities is black on black crime... they live in a box... and that's because of the music that is out here now... what's on television and the infamous world star hip hop... so actually they are making it okay to be ignorant and confused... confused because they don't know who they are or what they are truly capable of... so they front and play the blame game... but that still doesn't change the fact that there are some really racist people out here... but that doesn't mean its over... it just means that they are ignorant too...
