
Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I read a book by Aaron McGruder(creator of the Boondocks) and Reginald Hudlin(the writer & director of House Party) called  Birth of A Nation. To sum it up, the community of East St. Louis were disenfranchised due to voter fraud. I private company was hired to purge voters who were not suppose to be on the list like felons. Surprise they purge the system of mostly black voters! The election rolls around and it comes down to Missouri and with less than 500 votes the president is elected. The people of the town are livid, protest to the highest court, they agree that they were disenfranchised, but voted not to do a recount. The city secedes from the union, backed by a black owned private bank they make money by becoming an offshore bank in AMERICA. They become totally self sufficient, are set to be the richest nation in the world in 4 years, and also come up with there on alternative energy source. Ole Uncle Sam ain't happy with that so they launch a full out war with them US style, hackers to crash their bank, CIA co-intel pro tactics, hired assassination, even OPEC gets in the mix it's a very short read and has some nice illustration by Kyle Baker(author/illustrator of Why I Hate Saturn)

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